Friday, November 18, 2011

Hazrat Usman Ghani (R.A)

1.   Hazrat Usman Ghani (R.A) was the Third Caliph.
2.   He was born in 573 A.C in Makkah.
3.   His name was Usman bin Affaan and his titles include “Al Ghani" (The Generous) and “Zun Noorain
4.   He was from an intelligent, respected, and very wealthy family.
5.   His father name Affan and mother name was Arwa.
6.   Usman belonged to the Omayya branch of the Quraish.
7.   On the invitation of Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A), He (R.A) embraced Islam.
8.   Although being extremely rich, he lived a simple life.
9.   Usman was Caliph for about twelve years
10. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) gave two of His Daughters in Nikkah to Hazrat Usman Ghani (R.A).
11. At the age of 84, on 18zilhaj 35 Hijri, whilst reading the Quran Hazrat Usman Ghani (R.A) was martyred.
12. He is buried in the blessed graveyard of Madina Shareef, called“Janath al Baqi”.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


1•      Zakat means to purify.
2•      Zakat was made obligatory in 2. A.H.
3•      Nisab of Gold is 7.5 and Siler 52.5 Tolas
4•       Injunction of utilization of zakat is in Surah-al Tauba.
5•       Number of heads for distribution of zakat are 8.
6•       Zakat mentioned along with Namaz in the Quran 22 times.
7•       5 Camels, 40 goats, 3 cows and buffaloes is nisab for zakat.
8•       Zakat is treasure of Islam; it is the saying of holy prophet.
9•       Khums means 1/5.
10•    Word Zakat occurs in Quran for 32 times.
11•     In 2nd A.H the rate and method of distribution of Zakat was determined at Madina.
12•     Usher means 1/10.
13•     Ushr on artificially irrigated land is 1/20th.
14•    1/10 is the nisab (Ushr) of irrigated produce.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


1•Hazrat Asad died first among the Sahabah. 
2• Hamza & Hussain are known as leader of Martyrs. 
3• Usman accepted Islam at the instigation of Abu Bakar. 
4• Asadullah & Haider-e-Karar were the epithets of Hazrat Ali. 
5• Ali married Fatima in 2nd Hijra. 
 6• Hazrat Umar introduced Hijra Calender. 
7• Hazat Usman is known as Zul Noorain because he wedded with two daughters of Prophet: Rukya+Umme Qulsoom
.8• Hazrat Abu Bakar was the merchant of cloth. 
9• Real name of Hazrat Abu Bakar was Abdullah. 
10• Hazrat Saad bin Ubi waqas conquered Persia firstly.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Holy Quran

1.There are 6666 verses in holy Quran.
2.There are 30 parts in holy Quran.
3.The word 'Quran' is repeated 70 time in Holy Quran.
Al-Baqarah is the longest Sura of Holy Quran.
5.Qausar is the shortest Sura of Holy Quran. 
6.Letter "Alaph" is used for the most time in Holy Quran.
7.Elephant is the biggest animal mentioned in Holy Quran.
8.Mosquito is the smallest animal mentioned in Holy Quran. 
Three Sura's name is only one letter. (Qaf, Sad & Noon)
10.Number of Makkahi Surahs is 86 and Madni 28.